#107days Mumslist

Real Life

This week has seen some real weather ups and downs so we’ve gone from outdoor exploring for minibeasts including Joss’ first ladybird and ‘caterpillow’ to jumping in muddy puddles, to staying indoors after getting a soaking and engaging in some rather amusing family ‘dinoselfies’

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Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall
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Sleep has evaded us a lot of this week, it’s either teeth and she’s just not bothered during the day or its something to do with outgrowing the cot and being ready for a big girls bed, not sure which but I’m also not sure I’m ready to let go of the cot bars just yet (not until we child proof the nursery once and for all anyway!)

Blog Life

Popular posts this week have been two crafty ones here and here

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On a more serious note, I have been following a campaign called #107days which you can read about here. Next Tuesday I will be adopting one of the 107 days and blogging about advocacy and the importance of having a voice and being heard in care settings (and in any settings)


Related to this and following this week’s Panorama expose of yet another care scandal in yet another care setting the #107days campaign has sparked off a huge read round of brilliant blogs that appeal to my work life as well as my personal interest in social justice so I want to share these with other readers and encourage you to learn more about the condition of health and care in the UK today:

Sara’s blog

Mark Neary’s blog Love, Belief and Balls and 107 days

Sally Donovan

And many more you can find linked in on the 107 days of action page

12 thoughts on “#107days Mumslist

  1. We love mini-beast hunts. We found a garden tiger moth caterpillar this week, the boys loved it! It was so hairy. I love your crafts, beautiful

  2. I’m loving your blog background – it moves sideways as you scroll! Really cool! “Catterpillow” is rely cute, I hope you are recording all the little word corruptions, I wish I had and they grow up so fast!

  3. Typical British weather with it’s ups and downs, we have muddy wellies next to sandals here.
    Hope you’s get a good night sleep soon!
    Also saw your comment on my ASD post, it’s nice to see a fellow geordie blogger, even if I’m not there anymore haha x

  4. Sounds like you have been busy. Hoping the teething gets better so you get some sleep and totally get where you are coming from re the cot…..My Harry is possibly ready soon (I had moved his sister to a toddler bed by his age) but I’m not ready

  5. Arrrr betyou had fun hunting the mini beasts! My two are still in their cot beds and if I’m honest I’m dreading them both being in beds, they’ll be up and down! Have a lovely week x #blogclub

  6. **Bad mam alert**, but I am dreading Gwenn getting to the age when she wants to go on a mini beast hunt. I am absolutely terrified of (actually, sickened by is a better word) slugs and snails and I couldn’t be held accountable for my actions if she came anywhere near me (which I would count as 10 metres) with either!!


  7. Lush photos!! Although the dinoselfie is a bit terrifying! You #107days campaign sounds really interesting – I for one don’t know much about it. I’m terrible for turning a blind eye now as I find the news too upsetting since becoming a mum. I know it’s not the right approach though, so will read your articles with interest xx

    #MumsList xx

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