What’s the Story?

This photograph is nearly two years old now, its my desktop photo at work and one of my favourites of Joss. I remember marvelling at her little feet, she was about five weeks old and really starting to give good eye contact and enjoy unfurling and kicking around, I’m sharing it this week for no other reason than that I’m planning her second birthday and having a reminisce!


10 thoughts on “What’s the Story?

  1. Aww look at that adorable photo and those teeny tiny feet! Just wonderful. It’s hard not to reminisce when they have a birthday isn’t it although good to look back at the photos! Happy birthday to Joss, thank you for sharing #whatsthestory

  2. I love having a reminisce. I too was having one other day but mine was reminiscing about when my older children where babies and you pick them up for a cuddle, to be given that look or smile that says “your my whole world”. I get it all time from my daughters 2&6 months but my boys 9&5 it’s very few and far between.

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